Welcome to the Viers Mill Elementary School PTA
The Viers Mill Elementary School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) welcomes you to school year 2024-2025! The PTA is a group of parents, caregivers, teachers, and administrators who work together for the welfare and education of our children. We are very excited about the this school year.
What does the Viers Mill PTA do?
Our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a group of parents, caregivers, teachers and administrators who work together for the well-being and education of our children. Some of our activities include:
Providing funds to teachers for classroom books
Organizing TGIF movie & family fun nights
Sponsoring cultural arts programs for students
Planning Spring Fair for the whole community
Organizing Scholastic Book Fairs
See how the Viers Mill PTA raised and spent money in past years
General PTA Meetings
We invite you to attend our PTA meetings, which are held the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm in the Media Center or on Zoom. Meetings are on the PTA Calendar.
Free childcare is provided by Global Childcare Center.
We look forward to meeting you and hope you will join us!
Viers Mill PTA News
Chime In! The PTA wants to hear from YOU!
Have an idea of how we can boost our membership this year and what we can do to encourage more families to join?
Interested in a particular before/after school program for our kids?
Would you like to coordinate a TGIF event and need help getting started?
Do you have questions, concerns or suggestions about the PTA or Viers Mill?
Please email the VMES PTA President at president@viersmillpta.org.
You may also send your comments/suggestions (through backpack mail) in an envelope addressed to "VMES PTA Suggestions". One of the PTA officers will respond.
Bienvenidos al Año Escolar 2024-2025 de la Escuela Elemental Viers Mill.
Nuestra asociación de padres y maestros de Viers Mill (PTA) es un grupo de padres, guardianes, maestros, y administradores que trabajan juntos para el bienestar de la educación de nuestros hijos.
What does the Viers Mill PTA do?
Nuestra asociación de padres y maestros de Viers Mill (PTA) es un grupo de padres, guardianes, maestros y administradores que trabajan juntos para el bienestar de la educación de nuestros hijos. Las actividades en la escuela incluyen:
Contribuyendo con fondos a los maestros para libros
Organizando noches de diversio para las familias
Ayudando con programas culturales actividades
Organizando la feria de Primavera para la communidad
Organizando la feria de libros Scholastic
General PTA Meetings
Únase a nuestra reuniones del PTA. Las reuniones son el primero Martes del mes a la 7pm en la librerea o zoom.
Cuidado para niños es gratis.
¡El PTA quiere Escucharte!
¿Tiene una idea de cómo podemos impulsar nuestra participación este año y lo que podemos hacer para alentar a más familias a unirse?
¿Te interesa un detalle antes y después del programa de escuela para nuestros hijos?
¿Quiere coordinar un evento de TGIF y necesitan ayuda para empezar?
¿Tiene preguntas, inquietudes o sugerencias acerca de la PTA o Viers Mill?
Por favor envíe un correo electrónico a Anna Jacobs, Presidenta de la PTA de Viers Mill, en president@viersmillpta.org.
También puede enviar sus comentarios y sugerencias en un sobre dirigido al "Viers Mill PTA Sugerencias". Uno de los oficiales de PTA a responder.
2024-2025 School Year PTA Board
President: Carolina Hernandez
1st Vice President: Camino Hurtado Dominguez
2nd Vice President: Melina Mendez
Secretary: Heather Padilla
Treasurer: Anna Jacobs
Duties of the PTA Board Officers
Preside at all the PTA, Board of Directors, and Executive Committee meetings.
Coordinate the work of the officers and committees.
Member of ex officio of all committees except nominating committee.
Review bank statements monthly and initial.
Represent the PTA at all council meetings (may send alternate).
1st Vice President
Act as an aide to the President.
Perform duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to serve.
Duties include the administration and supervision of the events and volunteer committees and maintenance of PTA guideline documents.
Perform other duties as needed.
2nd Vice President
Act as an aide to the President.
Perform duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to serve.
Duties include the administration and supervision of the communications and community committees.
Perform other duties as needed.
Record the minutes of all PTA, Board of Directors, and Executive Committee meetings.
File all records.
Keep a current copy of the bylaws.
Maintain the current PTA membership.
Perform other duties as needed.
Custodian of all funds of the PTA.
Keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures, including reconciliation of the monthly bank statement.
Make disbursements as authorized by the President or Board of Directors.
Present written financial statement at every meeting of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors, and the general PTA membership.
Make a full report before the newly elected officers officially assume their duties.
Responsible for preparing and filing all necessary tax forms and submitting a copy to the Maryland PTA office.
Responsible for the maintenance of account books and records.
Perform other duties as needed.